Hemp Seed Oil

Hempseed Oil For Immunity

Hemp seed oil provides a wealth of health benefits, particularly as an immune booster.

Hempseed oil is an increasingly popular nutritional supplement due to its perfect balance of omega 6 and omega 3 essential fatty acids. It also has a high level of easily digestible and near-complete protein. Hemp seed oil is one of the easiest and tastiest superfoods to integrate into your diet naturally, rather than taking it as a medicinal dosage.

The other great thing about hemp seed oil as a superfood is that it is actually quite tasty. It adds a nutty flavour to smoothies and salad dressings which is really yummy. Hemp seed oil can be taken orally as a health supplement. It’s also used in body care products for the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema.

Hempseed oil:

  • boosts immunity
  • produces smooth skin
  • increases stamina
  • speeds the healing of wounds
  • eases fatigue
  • facilitates calm
  • enhances vitality
  • benefits the circulatory system
  • reduces inflammation
  • helps prevent bowel cancer
  • reduces the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome
  • supports healthy brain development in children

Hemp seed oil is a healthy substitute for other oils used in the diet, as it has comparatively low level of saturated fats. Use this oil in recipes that don’t require the oil to be heated, such as dips and salad dressings, in order to reduce your exposure to heart disease and obesity.

What Is Hemp Seed Oil?

The seeds of the hemp (cannabis) plant are pressed to extract hemp seed oil. It's light green with a nutty flavour. The darker the hemp seed oil, the grassier its flavour becomes due to the high chlorophyll content.

Hemp seeds do not contain any psychoactive molecules. However, very low levels of THC may be detected in hemp seed oil due to plant matter clinging to seeds during the production process. Seeds are well cleaned before processing and THC levels in hemp seed oil are negligible.

Hemp Seed Nutritional Value

Hemp seed oil provides an abundance of the fatty acids necessary to maintain ideal health. Edible oil is a large component of hemp seed oil, and this contains omega-6 (linoleic acid) and omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) fatty acids in the ideal ratio for human health. These fatty acids are important for the healthy functioning of all cells in the human body, particularly brain and nerve cells. They also provide the building blocks for the body’s production of prostaglandins, which regulate body functions.

Hemp seed oil has useful amounts of super polyunsaturated gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which is rarely found in plant sources. GLA has cholesterol lowering properties and can alleviate some skin diseases.

Hemp seed oil also contains a significant amount of a highly digestible protein that contains all the essential amino acids. The composition of this protein is very similar to a complete protein (like those found in animal products), and without any ‘anti-nutrients’ to block its uptake into the body.

Hemp seed oil also contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, C, D and E and the minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and zinc.

Hemp Seed Oil Tips

Hemp seed oil requires careful storage as the essential fatty acids it contains go off quickly. Once opened, hemp seed oil should be used as soon as possible, ideally within two months. High quality hemp seed oil with retain its nutritional quality for a longer period. Select pure, raw, cold-pressed oils refrigerated in dark glass bottles.

If cooked or fried beyond very low temperatures, hemp seed oil loses it nutritional value and its many benefits are significantly decreased. However, when used in salad dressings, mayonnaises, smoothies or dips it is an ideal diet ingredient due to its low level of saturated fatty acids.

Hemp Seed Oil Dosage

Adults: 15ml (1 tablespoon) daily

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